Midwest Disney Life food,Magic Kingdom,Meet us,Parks,review Dinner at Cinderella’s Royal Table

Dinner at Cinderella’s Royal Table

Hiya Pals! It’s been a while since we last blogged about a Disney trip, but have no fear! We’re back from a weeklong vacay plus an extra day the following week. (We were in Florida celebrating the life of a family member- so we made an extra special stop.) Most importantly we had Dinner at Cinderella’s Royal Table and we’re so excited to share our experience. Bibbity, Bobbity, Boo it’s time to get to it before we all turn into pumpkins!


Located in beautiful Cinderella Castle, on the second floor of one of the most iconic places in the World sits a fancy restaurant fit for a princess. Dinner at Cinderella’s Royal Table features some amazing views of Fantasyland, and in our case Happily Ever After fireworks. Although you can’t see much of the actual fireworks, you can see the light show a bit and they have the whole show playing throughout the restaurant. To check in you’ll arrive at the back of the castle and head to the left side. They will take you into the castle from there.

Our Dinner at Cinderella’s Royal Table


First, we started with appetizers of the court. Each member of your party gets to choose one appetizer. I had the Chilled Jumbo Shrimp, while my husband had Slow-Braised Beef. My mom chose the Castle Salad and my 8-year-old son had cheddar cheese and grapes.

Chilled Shrimp Appetizer
Slow Braised Beef Appetizer


Next, they brought out our entrees. My mom and I both ordered the Grilled Fillet Mignon which is served with garlic butter and whipped potatoes with a side of roasted veggies. My husband ordered the Roasted Lamb Chops which is served with a honey balsamic glaze and served with mashed potatoes and asparagus. Additionally, my son ordered the Grilled Steak, and it comes with your choice of two sides. He chose the seasonal veggies which happened to be green beans and fries. Fries aren’t on the actual menu, but our waiter did mention that they were an option. I’m not sure if all wait staff tell you this up front, so be sure to ask if fries are available if your child prefers them.

Filet Mignon
Kid’s Grilled Steak
Roasted Lamb Chops


Finally, it was time for dessert, the best part of any meal if you ask me! Again, my mom and I ordered the same thing: The Clock Strikes Twelve. This dessert is a chocolate ganache tart that is served with salted caramel-coffee mousse. My husband ordered the Jaq and Gus Cheesecake which is served with fresh fruit garnishes. My son decided on The Sword in the Sweet it is a chocolate and marshmallow mousse ‘stone’ served with a white chocolate sword.

Furthermore, we were celebrating our anniversary on this trip (we dined in the castle on our actual anniversary). When checking in I added that information into our check in. Although Disney is now making sure to note that celebration don’t automatically mean free things, our waiter did bring us a free cupcake with two candles in it. We of course had to customarily feed it to one another after our waiter declared he had no song to sing to us. It was such a sweet addition of pixie dust on our trip.


Dining in a castle is not the cheapest option on property, so be ready to pay the big bucks. Dinner at Cinderella’s Royal Table (and lunch here) will set you back $84 per adult, and $49 per child. This price did not include tax or gratuity which is automatically added to your bill. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner at Cinderella’s Royal Table is a pre-paid meal, when you make your reservation (sixty days before the start of your trip) you’ll be required to enter your credit card info and will pay for the meal at that time.

If you are using the Disney Dining Plan you will still be required to provide your credit card info in case you don’t show up for your reservation. Additionally, this meal costs two sit down meal credits if using the Dining Plan, so be sure to account for that if you’re on that plan. In contrast, breakfast here is $69 for adults and $42 for children. This again does not account for tax or gratuities which will be added to your final bill automatically.

Atmosphere & Extras

Obviously, the atmosphere here is amazing! You’re literally dinning IN a castle, and they treat you like royalty the entire time. From the time we checked in to finally leaving we were greeted as “your royal highnesses” at every encounter. The beautiful stain glass windows on the outer edge of the dining room are absolutely gorgeous, and the stone archways are fit for the royal subjects. We highly recommend Dinner at Cinderella’s Royal Table!

You’ll meet several princesses here. Although they don’t say for sure who you’ll meet (because that can change on any given day or mealtime) we met Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), Merida, Princess Jasmine, and Ariel upstairs while eating. Before dinner Cinderella greeted us and welcomed us into her castle to dine. She also had photopass photographers with her to take your pictures.

At the end of our meal the waiter brought us wands and swords, one for each member of our party. He even let my son choose which one he wanted. My son picked a wand because he previously had broken the one I received on our honeymoon. He was so excited plus he got a sword too because my husband got a sword.

When arriving at the table there was a Wishing Star at each table setting. There was a little wish ceremony during dinner, and everyone was instructed to make a wish, hold the star close to their hearts and then raise them up in the air. The lights flickered and wishes were granted including a warning that even Cinderella had to wait a bit before her wish came true. It was really cute!

Our Thoughts

Our dinner at Cinderella’s Royal Table was certainly worth the price in our opinion. We loved every aspect of the experience. From the food to the character interactions, from the castle setting to the extra things you receive, our dinner experience was top notch. We ended up enjoying this meal and experience the most on this trip.

My favorite appetizer was the shrimp that I ordered, all of our entrees were amazing, and dessert just topped off the entire meal. We walked away stuffed to the brim and needing to walk around Magic Kingdom a bit.

Overall, I would definitely recommend this restaurant to princess lovers or classic Disney lovers. However, I do need to note that the food selections can be a little strange, especially for pickier eaters, so look into the menu and assess for your party. When using the Disney Dining Plan, I’m not sure if a two-credit is truly worth it, you would really have to decide if there were other options better suited for you needs. That being said I really do think that dinner at Cinderella’s Royal Table is a must do experience at least once in your lifetime.

More on Midwest Disney Life

Looking for more character meal recommendations? Find out more about Chef Mickey’s, or Topolino’s Terrace. If you’re looking for an amazing travel agent who specializes in Disney vacations look no further! We have a friend who books all our trips and is incredibly knowledgeable in all things Disney! Erica Kocher can help you at no additional cost to you! All it takes is quick message to find out the best deals available.

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