On the Open Road!

cars ahead on road
HiYa Pals!

Are you a fly to your vacation destination or a road trip kind of family? Perhaps it depends on where you live and how far you’re willing to drive. We have done both but love a good road trip! Driving through different parts of the country you may not see on the regular can be so much fun! Nothing like being on the open road!

When it comes to road trips there is a lot of prep that goes into it. Several things to do and plan. In this blog we will go over some of the things you need, and maybe give you some tips and ideas to consider for future road trip!

Getting organized

When it comes to getting vacation organization started, we usually begin with the car. It is important you start with a blank canvas so be sure to start off by cleaning it out; I mean deep clean. We get all the garbage and junk out, wipe all surfaces down, vacuum everything and organize what stays in the vehicle.

crop person wiping modern car panel
Photo by Ariyo on Pexels.com

If you are a family with young kids, this is a good chance to make sure you have all those backup items refilled. Some vehicles have extra room for a single pullout drawer under the driver or passenger seat. You can usually fit an extra outfit or two, diapers if your kids still need them, extra wipes and paper towels, or whatever you feel necessary for your family.

You’ll also want to make sure your car is ready for the trip. We always make sure the car is up to date on oil changes and give the engine a good once over. Take the time to look over your car, so you can avoid time fixing problems on the road.

Car Favorites

Entertainment is important! This can make or break your trip. I usually start collecting items as soon as I know the trip is booked. I usually head to Target, Walmart or Dollar Tree and grab some coloring books and crayons. Water pen books, magnet books, and sticker books are a hit with us too! Usually, the dollar section at target has some good Disney trinkets. If there are manipulative knickknack things that will hold their attention, definitely grab something like that.

My kids are old enough to pack some things into a car bag on their own. We do pack tablets with movies or shows that have been saved to their tablet. We do try and save those for a last resort thing.

Also, we like to play car games. No tools needed unless you want to print off some paper for a checklist.

Some of our favorites are, finding every letter of the alphabet on a sign of some sort, more than one person has to see it for it to count. We like to check off a list of state license plates that we see. Additionally, we play I spy, 20 questions, and I’m thinking of an animal. There are more out there, but those are a few of our favorites!

Be sure to have those playlists ready too! We always need good tunes on the open road! Disney podcasts and Disney songs come in handy, and we even play games using music. We play fun games like Finish the Lyric and Guess This Song.

a close up shot of a girl coloring
Photo by Leeloo The First on Pexels.com

Car Essentials

There are a few items we consider essentials for the car! You definitely don’t want to leave home without your sunglasses, and a car phone charger. These are things that you’ll want on the road and in Disney World, so don’t be caught without them. You’ll also want a travel pillow, and possibly even a blanket for snoozing on the ride. I usually pack a pillow and blanket for each member in the car (minus the driver of course).

Next, you’ll need your directions in whichever way you prefer them. We often use an app on our phone like Waze, or Google Maps, but some people love their trusty paper maps. Whichever you prefer, be sure to have your directions ready to go. The last thing you want to be while on vacation is lost!

It takes us two days to travel to Disney World. We start out early on the first morning and usually end up driving pretty late, shortly after dinner. The next morning, we leave fairly early and finish the drive. We’re usually to our hotel or the theme parks by noon. All that being said, we don’t book a hotel room until we’re ready to stop. Usually, we have a destination in mind (we like to stay in Lake City, FL) but there have been times where we just don’t make it that far before we need to stop. Do yourself a favor and don’t put too much pressure to make it to a certain location by locking in a destination, unless you KNOW you’ll make it there.

Favorite stops

Making stops will be different for everyone, especially depending on your location. We have a 16-hour drive to Disney. When it’s time to hit the open road, it is usually our goal to be driving by 4am. Thankfully that means getting a decent chunk of driving done with the kids sleeping.

However, when it comes to stopping, we are fans of rest-stops, especially one with a playground. Just a few extra minutes of playtime can really help the kiddos get some car wiggles out.

We also enjoy stopping at every state’s welcome center. Many times, there is something educational, a playground or some sort or open space for the kiddos to run and play for minute or two. We usually make it a point to stop at Alabama’s welcome center, whereas Krysta’s family likes to stop at the Florida welcome center for some free orange juice (if they’re open by the time we go through). If you are taking your time on your road trip and have no specific timeline, there are things to do in every state. Atlanta hosts the largest aquarium in North America. And don’t forget you can visit Olympic Park too.

On our last Disney trip, we discovered Buckee’s gas stations. They have TONS of snacks, drinks and souvenirs. If you’ve never been- add it to your list! Additionally, I think we’ve stopped at every Chick-Fil-A location from Illinois to Orlando. Don’t forget they have indoor playgrounds that can burn off energy too. We like to make our lunch and dinner stops double as our bathroom and stretch breaks. Often, we only stop a few times a day.


Growing up, one thing we always looked forward to on a road trip were the snacks. Because car snacks are always more fun on a road trip lol! Now, we each get to pick something to bring along. Chips, veggie straws, goldfish, apples, and jerky, are some of our favorites. When we went on a trip with my mom, she made the kids a “snackle box” which was a bunch of different snacks packed into a tackle box. It was a huge hit, and easy to make.

foods stored on zip lock bags
Photo by Bora C on Pexels.com

Obviously, we make sure to bring along waters or Gatorades and of course coffee is a favorite amongst the adults. Remember, mouths that are full of food and drinks can’t argue in the backseat (if you know you know)!

A quick list for you!

*Phone charger


*Easy access to cooler with drinks


*Pillow and blanket

*Trash bag

*Paper towels\wipes

*coloring book\crayons


*dvd player\dvds

*song list

*Activity books

*Extra clothes\diapers for littles

*Lap tray

*Books/ audio books

*Tonies Box (if you have one)

*Small toys to play with

*Sticker or magnet books

*Water Wow/Color Wonder coloring books


*Fidget toys

Games To Play

*The License Plate Game– find as many different license

plates as you can.

*Finish the Lyric– start a song stop it and see

who can keep singing.

*I’m thinking of a Disney Character– think of a character

and give clues.

*Alphabet Game-find all the letters on roadside signs in

order A-Z.

*I Spy-you know how to play this one it’s classic

*20 Questions– one person thinks of anything

ask questions to figure it out.

*Slug Bug-spot a VW Bug and be the first to shout

out Slug Bug to win.

*Would You Rather- each player takes turns giving

a silly scenario and everyone has to decide what they would rather do.

*Road Trip Bingo-you’ll need to make cards ahead of time.

*Name this song– play a song and see if others can guess it.

*I’m thinking of an Animal– think of any animal and give

clues while others take turns guessing.

*The alphabet game-starting with A everyone names

something that start with the letter no repeating.

Packing and organizing for a trip can certainly be a task. Thankfully you know your family’s needs best. Hopefully this list will give you helpful tips. Happy packing! Now get going and hit the open road!

If you need some packing ideas for your trip, check out our blog here!

Be sure to find us on our social media pages! Give us a like and a follow! We can’t wait to see you there!

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