Midwest Disney Life tips No tired like Disney tired

No tired like Disney tired

baby s sleeping on a man s shoulder

HiYa Pals!

I hope the end of summer is finding you well. Are you getting back into the swing of things? I know for myself getting back into a school schedule was a bit of a challenge for a few days. I fully enjoyed those longer summer nights. Working in a school, I have to make sure I am getting to bed at a decent hour, so I’m not exhausted by the end of the day! However, no matter how tired I become at work it doesn’t quite match being tired at Disney. Afterall there is no tired like Disney tired.

Disney Tired

Have you ever walked for a full 10 hours or more, slept for 6ish hours and then got up and did it all over again? Imagine how exhausted you would be. At Disney this is a fairly common thing. In fact, it is the norm.

When it comes to Disney, unless you have planned some non-park days or go back to your resort for a mid-day break this will most likely be how you spend your days. ON YOUR FEET! And if you are not used to spending long periods of time standing you are going to be very tired by the end of your day.

So, keep reading for some tips to keep your trip a bit more comfortable.

Tired Tips

Unfortunately, there really isn’t a way to avoid full exhaustion lol. None the less there are ways to help.

Tip 1: Start walking\ going for walks before your trip. I have found this to be very helpful and beneficial.I make sure to start walking for long periods either at the gym or around my neighborhood about 2 months before the trip. I have recommended this to my family members, and we enjoy going on walks together. It’s fun and it gets everyone excited about the trip. The more you can get on your feet the better.

Tip 2: Bring at least 2 pairs of shoes and or sandals with you. It’s helpful to have two pairs on hand in case of rain and you get wet shoes. If you want a more detailed list of things to pack, check out our packing blog here. But having shoes to alternate between will help your feet in the long run.

crop person walking through puddles on asphalt
Photo by Jean-Daniel Francoeur on Pexels.com

Tip 3: Take a mid-day break. We have talked about this in a few other blogs; however, I cannot recommend going back for a break enough. Get to the park early, spend a few hours doing whatever you want then to head back to your resort or wherever you’re staying for an hour or two. Take a nap, swim, eat, whatever makes you happy and relaxes you. Then head back whenever you’re ready. Disney parks are open close to 12 hours almost every day, if you know you and your kids need some down time go take it, it will make the end of your day more enjoyable.

Tip 4: Get band-aids specifically for blisters. I have heard they work wonders.

Tip 5: Stay hydrated. It is very easy to lose track of your water intake. Disney allows you to bring your own water bottles into the park. There are spots around the park to refill your water. If you don’t have a reusable water bottle, ice water is free at Disney. All you have to do is find a quick service food spot and ask for ice water. I also recommend bringing and using something along the lines of Liquid IV. That Florida sun and heat are quick to get you.

Tip 6: Depending on how long your trip is, if you have the time for it, consider a break day mid-way through your trip. I know it may be easier said than done but if you can fit it in its a great way to give your body and mind a break. Sleep in, spend some time at the pool, maybe do some shopping, go watch the Magic Kingdom fireworks from the beach at the Polynesian Resort!

Tip 7: Enjoy shows in the parks! Not only does Disney have some fantastic rides they also offer fantastic live shows and 3D experiences. In Magic Kingdom you can find Philharmagic, Sing along with Bell, Carrosel of Progress, Hall of Presidents, The Tiki Room and Country Bear Jamboree. You can find Mupet 3D Vision, the evening fireworks show Fantasmic, The Frozen sing along, The Indiana Jones Stunt show, Disney Jr Dance Party, and the Lightning Mcqueen show, all in Hollywood Studios.

There are a few shows to see inside Animal Kingdom such as the Finding Nemo musical, it’s great to be a bug, Festival of the Lion King, Feathered Friends in Flight, Conservation Station. Within Epcot several of the country pavilions offer a show or indoor areas for seating if you need a break. Enjoy the shows and escape the heat for a bit.

If you need some help deciding and need some recommendations reach out to Erica! She is a Disney travel agent amongst others and is wonderful. She can help you plan and book your trip, for free!

Tip 8: Walking so much in a day or even walking in wet clothes can cause some unwanted chafing. It may be helpful to get some chafing cream. No one wants that kind of pain.

Tip 9: Don’t pack your day. Disney is a big place. There is no way you’re going to get everything done in one day. Make a plan and have an idea in how you hope your day goes but don’t spend your day going back and forth all over the place trying to get it all done. Unless you have a dinning reservation or a lightning lane time to get to, take your time.

Tip 10: Coffee! Lol There is a Starbucks in every park. There are also several Joffree’s Coffee stands as well, both inside and outside the parks.

ice cream in clear drinking glass
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

In the End

At the end of your magical vacation, you will be without a doubt exhausted. There really is no way of getting around it. Thankfully you will be having such a wonderful time you won’t mind. Being Disney tired is a true thing. You or your little ones will more than likely fall asleep or close your eyes on the bus or Skyliner. After a long day in the park, falling on your bed will feel like the greatest thing on the planet. And you will find a newfound appreciation for air conditioning.

No matter how tired I am at the end of a trip I will always want to go again! After all there is no tired like Disney tired!

Be sure to check us out on our social media pages. You can find us on Instagram, Tik Tok and Pinterest under Midwestdisneylife. Be sure to like and follow!

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