Midwest Disney Life Epcot,Parks A day at Epcot and some tips

A day at Epcot and some tips

Hiya Pals!

I hope everyone is doing well and having a wonderful summer! I cannot believe fall is just around the corner. Time is flying. In this blog I want to share our Epcot day from earlier this summer and share some tips. So, let’s get started.

Our day

We started our day before park open. I made sure to be up and ready to go with my phone so I could snag a Guardians of the Galaxy boarding group. I was very excited to realize we were able to get a group in the 20’s!

After arriving for early park entry at 8:30 via Skyliner we walked on over and got in line for Ratatouille. Such a fun ride! If you arrive for early entry from the Skyliner I highly suggest hopping in line for ratatouille right away to avoid the long line once park opens! Once we were done, we quickly walked around the France Pavillion and then headed towards the front of the park to get on Guardians!

This ride was so much fun! I don’t know about you and how you handle rollercoasters, but I laughed and screamed the whole time. Loved it! Such a great addition to Epcot!

After we gathered ourselves from the ride, we headed over to The Land Pavillion rode on Living with the Land and Sourin. Finishing our time with a delicious lunch from Sunshine Terrice, the quick service food quart.

We then headed over to Nemo and Friends and then headed up to Spaceship Earth! Next was Journey into imagination with Figment. We decided to head a back to our resort for a mid-day break.

After we rested and got some time in the air conditioning, it was about 3:30 so we decided to head back to the park and check out the different country pavilions and snack booths. We began our track in Canada and made our way over to Mexico. Along the way we grabbed different treats and snacks and enjoyed our time. Thankfully we were able to take our time and look around each location. If you have little ones this may be a bit of a challenge. Be sure to check out our blog about Epcot and little ones here!

Once we finished in the beautiful Mexico pavilion, we strolled around and grabbed a delicious dole whip from one of the booths, enjoyed the lake, talked about our day and the plans for the next. Then decided to head to the resort early, a little after 8pm to get some pool time in.

It was a good day!

Some tips for your day!

A day at Epcot will most definitely look different for everyone. However, there are a few tips I can give you to help your day be a little better or maybe ease the stress a little.

Tip 1: Bring a handheld fan or several. This is probably one of the most helpful tips I can give. Make sure they are the rechargeable ones so you can get plenty of use out of them! I don’t think I will ever go to Disney again without one. I found mine on amazon for fairly cheap. There are so many different types out there. If you have a little one in a stroller, I recommend getting one that can attach to your stroller as well.

Tip 2: Go in and out of pavilions and buildings a lot. Unless you are in Disney during the cooler months you will want to utilize as much air conditioning as possible. It helps keep everyone a little happier, you can enjoy food better in the AC, and if you know a quick rainstorm is coming it’s a great way to avoid getting drenched.

Taking shelter under from the pouring rain

Tip 3: Take your time. Sometimes it’s easier said than done right? But being able to take in the atmosphere and see the smiles on your loved one’s faces is priceless. Unless you have a specific time to be somewhere, such as a meal reservation or a lightning lane, no need to rush around. Don’t put that added stress on yourself to get everything in.

Tip 4: Go back to your resort or hotel, wherever you are staying for a mid-day break. If you have older ones this might not be as important of a thing. However, this can be a game changer for everyone. If you or your family are tired go back for a rest or swim. Disney parks are usually open for 12+ hours a day. Take advantage of an hour nap and go back happier and ready to enjoy the rest of your time.

Tip 5: Take time to enjoy the different countries. Again, easier said than done for some, especially with little ones. Disney has so much to offer around World Showcase. There are different shows, restaurants, stores, character meet and greets, and a few rides. Disney has done its research and has made each pavilion as authentic as possible. There is country specific merchandise for purchase too. It can be very educational and fun to check out. If you have the ability to slow down and check it out it can really add to your trip!

Tip 6: If you can, wear a good pair of walking sandals. Floridia is notorious for random out of the blue, quick downpours. Wearing sandals can save your feet. You won’t have to worry about being stuck in wet shoes and socks. Or start out in shoes and if you wind up getting wet pull-out sandals from your bag.

Tip 7: Sometimes you have to throw plans out the window. There are days where things just don’t go as planned or something exciting unexpectedly happens and you have to go with the flow. Whether it’s good or not so good, try your best to have a positive attitude about it. Things happen, its life right. You’re at Disney!

In a nutshell

Epcot is a wonderful place. There are so many places to check out, rides to ride, and foods to try. No matter how you spend your day when your there I hope you can enjoy it with your family and friends to the fullest extent.

If you ever need help planning and booking a trip or need to get a price quote, we recommend using a travel agent. Reach out to our friend Erica for all needs and questions. We use her often and she can recommend different things based on your needs and preferences! She is awesome!

Let us know down below if you have a trip planned soon and what you’re looking forward to! We want to hear from you! Also be sure to check us out on our other social medias. You can find us under midwestdisneylife on pinterest, tik tok, and instagram!

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