Midwest Disney Life news,Parks,tips Disney and Special Needs

Disney and Special Needs

HiYa Pals!

One thing I have found admirable about Disney is their attention to those with special needs. After all they desire everyone experience a magical trip. In this blog I will go over a brief summary of things Disney offers and some of their recommendations and accommodations for those traveling with special needs.

For a more detailed list from Disney click here to find more specifics.

The Big List

Disney has a wide array of offerings for those with special needs. When first doing your research and land on Disney’s website you will find an extensive list of topics. Under most items on the list, you will find a link connecting you to a more detailed page. None the less those items listed on the special needs page are listed below.

If you need help planning and setting requests, be sure to utilize the help of a Disney travel agent. We know a wonderful lady named Erica who can do just that. Reach out to her here to get your trip set up!

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels.com

Cognitive Disabilities

Disney tries to help and assist all they can to the best of their ability, don’t hesitate to utilize these offerings.

Some of the services Disney has listed are:

  • Advanced Ticket Purchaseing
  • Stroller and Wheelchair Rentals
  • Rider Switch
  • Attraction Access
  • Break Areas
  • Companion Restrooms
  • Dietary Accommodations

This list is a small part of what Disney offers. Feel free to head to the Disney website to find more information.

ECV Rentals

Disney offers these 4-wheel electric chairs at a daily price. They are first come first serve, so if you know you will be in need of one on your trip make sure you reserve one prior to your vacation. There are also companies off property that rent out and will deliver to you on site. Find more information here.

person sitting on wheelchair
Photo by Marcus Aurelius on Pexels.com

Park Guides for Guests

For each park Disney offers a detailed guide of each park and their offerings for guest with special needs.

Hearing Disabilities

Disney recommends guests with hearing needs bring headphones or ear plugs. However, click on the link listed under Hearing Disabilities on the Disney website to find out more options offered from Disney.

Lighting Sensitivities

If you or a loved one have a flash sensitivity, Disney recommends talking to your physician due to the high number of flashing lights on attractions and in shows.

Magnetic Fields

Disney says there generally should be no field greater than the average field found in your local town or city but if you have any questions or concerns to reach out to guest services for assistance.

Service Animals

Disney welcomes service animals as long as they are any dog and miniature horse, and guests have total control of their service animal. Disney does allow service animals on specific rides and attractions, however not all. If you need to have your wonderful service animal with you be sure to have someone with you for rider swap so your animal can safely stay behind while you enjoy your ride. Refer to Disney’s page on service animals for more details.

Visual Disabilities

Disney provides several options for those with visual impairments. Depending on needs and preference guests can utilize audio descriptions and/or use braille guidebooks and menus. Find more here.

A few basics Disney suggests

Planning can be overwhelming for anyone. A few suggestions to help prepare you and your loved one for what’s to come. A big one is a safety bracelet/ name tag for guests. Consider bringing a device or favorite activity. Additionally, they suggest having reinforcers to help you through your day.


All resorts on property offer wheelchair accessible rooms. Floor space is larger, and bathrooms are open. Resorts offer similar accommodations at the resorts as they do in the parks. Click here for more information. You will be well taken care of. Check out our blog on choosing a moderate resort at here.


If you have a wheelchair or ECV don’t worry. Busses the Skyliner, and boats are wheelchair friendly.

I hope this brief look into Disney and their offerings help you in your preparation. If you are planning a trip and need to utilize these services reach out to them prior to your trip and get things set up so your vacation is as smooth as possible. Disney is wonderful and is ready to help you in whichever way they can. Follow the link above to Disney’s website for more information that will cater to your needs.

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