Midwest Disney Life budgeting,news,Parks,resorts,tips Cheap tips and tricks for 2023!

Cheap tips and tricks for 2023!

photo of planner and writing materials

HiYa Pals!

The new year is quickly approaching and what a better way to celebrate then to plan a trip to Disney right? Lol I wish it were that simple!

I am fully aware it’s a lot easier said than done. But nothing wrong with dreaming a little. Perhaps even do some research on pricing and dates.

Well lucky for us I have had the pleasure of reaching out to our friend Erica and she is the best! If you are familiar with our blog, I’m sure you are aware we highly suggest you use a Disney travel agent to help you plan your trip! And Erica is that person!

Erica was amazing and when I asked her to help me find the cheapest way to plan a stay at Disney she went above and beyond. So, without further ado here is some pretty fantastic information from Erica I am able to share with you! Here are some cheap tips and tricks for 2023!

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Cheap Tricks

One thing to know about Disney is things don’t stay the same for long. They are constantly changing and evolving. You can almost always count on the addition of a new attraction, new snacks to try, new merchandise, and always hated and loved Disney pricing.

Once you have booked your trip, with your rooms and tickets reserved, the price for your trip is locked in.

According to Erica, the cheapest times of the year are early January, mid to late August/September, and the first two weeks of November.

Much like other hotels, Friday and Saturday rates are generally higher than other days.

While prior to Covid, Disney had many special offers for vacation packages, however they have been scarce since reopening.

When booking a trip with a travel agent, they can get promotions added to an already booked package if it is released after they book.

The campground will always be the cheapest option. But who really wants to camp in the Florida heat! lol

campsite with trailers decorated with glowing garlands
Photo by Matheus Bertelli on Pexels.com

Cheapest Stay

We all know it can cost an arm and a leg to afford a trip to Disney, let alone be able to go and stay on property. However, with Ericas help she was able to put together a few different trips. This is the price of tickets and hotel alone. These prices do not include anything else.

In looking at cheap trips, because January is so close, the cheapest room is a preferred room for 4 people at All-Star Movies. The dates quoted are January 8th-13th with 4-day base tickets. This would be a total of $2,713.74.

Next trip Erica priced out is for August. August 20th-25th at All-Star Movies or Sports in a standard room with the 4-day base tickets would be $2,540.40

Erica adds that July and August are the hottest months in Florida, and two weeks prior to that when its hotter and more kids are out of school that same trip is $2,844.60

If you would prefer a trip later in the year, the first two weeks of November, again at the All-Star Resorts with a 4-day base tickets, a Sunday through Friday, the price would be $2,853.94

If traveling during the school year is an absolute no for you then the cheapest time would be June 4th-9th. With the option of staying at any of the All-Star resorts in a standard room. Adding on the 4-day base tickets. The price for that would be $3,041.54.

Cheapest Dining

Can you find cheap food at Disney? Many would say it can be a challenge, and they may be right. However, in my experience, there are so many options when it comes to dining.

The cheapest way to eat at Disney is to pack your own food. When I was younger, I remember my parents packing the cooler or maybe two of them, full of food and we used what we had for breakfast and lunch. If you have enough perhaps even dinner. Some people prefer to do it that way and its great!

Another tool I find wonderful is you can have groceries delivered to your hotel. If flying is the way you arrived at Disney and packing a cooler wasn’t an option, maybe grocery delivery is something you would want to take advantage of.

If bringing your own food doesn’t sound appealing, quick service meals might be your next best bet to save. Check out what we had at the quick service spot Pinocchio’s Village Haus in Magic Kingdom here!

When we went in January, we had breakfast in the room. Booked one sit down meal for the day and either snacked or did a quick service for other mealtimes. It’s all to your preference, whatever works best for you.

A big save on money is how you drink water. Bring and use a refillable water bottle. This will save you from purchasing water bottles every time you need a drink. And Disney water is not cheap. When I went this past June, a water bottle from a snack stand was $3.50, for one water.

Hopefully this quick list of cheap tips and tricks will help you plan for the future!

I want to say a huge thank you to Erica for all your help on this blog! I know a lot of people, myself included, appreciate it. You’re the best! Be sure to reach out to her to help you with your trip! Click her name above to contact her!

Let us know down in the comments if there is something you have done in the past to help you save as much money as possible. We can’t wait to hear from you!

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